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Hair Transplants

Hair Transplants

Hair transplant surgery is a cosmetic procedure used to treat hair loss. Various techniques are available but all types of transplants involve taking hair baring skin from one part of the scalp and grafting these pieces of skin to the balding or thinning areas of the scalp.

A hair transplant is not a cure for male pattern baldness. The transplant will cover a bald scalp, but it will not protect you from further hair loss. As male pattern baldness is a progressive condition, you should also consider combining hair transplant surgery with medications, hair vitamins, laser hair therapy with shampoo and scalp treatments to slow down the balding process.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Before deciding to have hair transplant surgery there are some important things you should know.

  • Have realistic expectations. If you do not have much hair a transplant will not give you a full head of hair. The thicker and denser your remaining hair, the better your results will be.

  • Grey or thick hair that is light in colour will achieve better results than hair that is thin and dark.

  • After a hair transplant it can take up to nine months before the hair takes root and starts to fill in.

  • There may be a need to continue medical treatment following hair transplant surgery.

  • A hair transplant can be very expensive.

Hair Transplants - Summary

Most procedures are successful, but again it may take up to nine months before the hair takes root and starts to fill in. It is not uncommon for transplanted hair to fall out after several months and then regrow.

Most scars should be covered with hair over time and will be hard to see, however the procedure will be noticeable on your head for several months. Any visible scarring will be permanent, but should fade over time.

You will almost certainly need ‘touch up’ surgery to improve the appearance of your surgery.